In-Home Consultation

A Consultation begins with an overall evaluation of your home and your staging needs.  Typically, we start with a walk-through; documenting all the needs of your home and objectives.  We will then provide you with a detailed Home Staging Report, which outlines everything that's needed by room/area, recommendations that will improve the marketability of your home.  It will include which positive features to enhance, problem areas to improve and our suggested changes.  Our In-Home Consultation fee is based on the square footage of your home.  Once you receive your detailed Home Staging Report, you can either begin implementing our suggested changes yourself or use our Staging service to help you complete the project.

Work Process

We have an easy plan that will help you begin your journey to a successful property sale.

  1. Complimentary On-site Visit:  We will assess the property and discuss the objective and budget.
  2. Home Staging Report:  We will provide a detailed home staging report that outlines, by room/area, recommendations that will improve the marketability of your home.